Nestled in the White Mountains of Jackson, New Hampshire, Hanna found inspiration in the remote landscape surrounding her. Attending the University of Denver in 2020, Hanna pursued her passion for the arts, majoring in Studio Art with a minor in Art History. In the fall of 2023, she attended the Leo Marchutz School of Painting and Drawing in Aix en Provence, France. Hanna is currently working at the Institute for American Universities in the south of France, continuing her practice.
Hannas art aims to translate landscape through mediums of canvas and paper, molding clay, and a captured image. The use of color and form illuminate her work with hues of green and yellow, embodying interpretations of nature. She continues to explore the idea of a landscape and the various forms that it may manifest through themes of womanhood, collage, and portraiture. Hanna is looking to bridge and understand the gaps in between, exploring their shared ambiguity.